About Me


Clothing with Confidence worked well as a team, reached our goal, and learned how to develop a product in a realistic scenario. Throughout the year we took turns leading up different aspects of the course and product. While most of the time divided and conquered tasks, we were able to work well together as a group. Additionally, our end result didn’t change very much from our goal from the beginning of last semester, which I believe goes to show how much we were all committed to our shared vision in wanting to achieve it and believing it would solve our problem. I gained a lot of insight into what it’s like to work on a team to develop a functioning product, something I had not yet done. During the class I learned to bolster my skills that were needed to develop our product and its brand, while also getting better at collaborating in creative processes. I believe my work improved over the semester and I was able to make an impact within my team, being the intermediate between the technical, creative, and social aspects of the project without really specializing in any particular one.